Life Brand Vitamin C 500mg

Life Brand Vitamin C 500mg

Skin Care Accutane product

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Accutane, which is isotretinoin, - is a form of vitamin A, belongs to the group of retinoids. It is often used to treat complex, neglected forms of acne, when the remaining anti-acne drugs do not have a positive effect on the treatment of acne. Accutane inhibits the production of sebum and reduces the size of the gums with the main active substance isotretinoin. It is proved that isotretinoin has an antiseptic effect. Also, isotretinoin thinens the stratum corneum of the epidermis to more easily penetrate deep into the affected area. Due to the fact that Accutane suppresses the sebum secretion by reducing the sebaceous glands themselves, this allows to reduce the migration of bacteria in the ducts. And due to the fact that the stratum corneum is thin, the skin fat has an outlet to the outside, from which there is no blockage of the pores and, as a result, pimples.

General Health Aldactone product

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Aldactone, which is spironolactone - is a competitive antagonist of aldosteron. In disteel kidney tubules increases removal of sodium and water, reduces - potassium. Lowers arterial pressure. It is prescribed at hyperaldosteronism, diagnostics of hyperaldosteronism, adenoma of adrenal glands, producing aldosterone; edema syndrome at chronic heart failure, cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, nephropathy of pregnant women; arterial hypertension, hypokalaemia, as additional medicine at malignant hypertension, hypokalaemia, prevention of hypokalaemia at patients with cardiac glycoside.

Antibiotics Ampicillin product

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Ampicillin - Semi-synthetic penicillin, which has a wide range of effects and exhibits bactericidal effect. Suppresses the synthesis of the cell wall of bacteria: Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus spp., Bacillus anthracis, Clostridium spp., Enterococcus faecalis, Listeria spp., Haemophilus influenzae, Neisseria meningitidis, Proteus mirabilis, Pasteurella multocida, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., Escherichia coli, Aerobic non-spore-forming bacteria. Acid-resistant.

Pain Relief Aspirin product

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Aspirin renders analgesic, febrifugal effect, in high doses has - antiinflammatory action. It has antiaggregant (interfering formation of a clot) activity. It is prescribed at pain syndrome of mild and moderate intensity, including inflammatory, genesis, in particular, headache, dentagra, algodismenorrhea, feverish states, including, acute respiratory infections, thrombophlebitises, thromboses of vessels of retina, disturbance of cerebral circulation, coronary heart disease.

Women's Health Aygestin product

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Aygestin - the pharmaceutical preparation, containing synthetic analog of hormones of a yellow body of an ovary, it has a prominent effect on an internal cover of a uterus. It causes changes in an inside layer of a uterus, preparing it for implantation of an oospore, provides normal course of pregnancy, reduces contractility of a uterus, especially pregnant stimulates development of lactigerous parts of mammary glands. It is taken at treatment of a secondary amenorrhea, dysfunctional bleedings, polymenorrheas with the shortened phase of a yellow body, endometriosis, endometrial cancer, mastodynia and diffusion mastopathy.

Heart Disease Betapace product

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Betapace - beta adrenoblocker, antiarrhytmic medicine. It is taken for treatment of ventricular arrhythmia, tachycardia, supraventricular arrhythmia, tachycardia at thyrotoxicosis, angina of effort, especially at combination with tachyarrhythmias, arterial hypertension, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, prolapse of the mitral valve, prevention and treatment of myocardial infarction at stable condition of the patient.

Antibiotics Cefadroxil product

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Cefadroxil - cephalosporin antibiotic of the I generation for intake. It works as bactericidal, breaking synthesis of a cell wall of microorganisms. It has a broad spectrum of activity: it is active in relation as gram-positive (Staphylococcus spp. which don't produce and produce a penicillinase; Streptococcus spp. (including Streptococcus pneumoniae), Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Bacillus anthracis), and gram-negative microorganisms (Shigella spp., Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli, Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella spp., some strains of Proteus spp., especially Proteus mirabilis), Moraxella catarrhalis (Branhamella). Many strains of Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium are steady against Cefadroxil.

Antibiotics Ceftin product

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Ceftin - the antibiotic cephalosporin, is prescribed for treatment of Bacterial infections caused by sensitive microorganisms: respiratory diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia, abscess of lungs, a pleura empyema, etc.), ENT organs (sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, otitis, etc.), urinary tract (pyelonephritis, cystitis, asymptomatic bacteriuria, gonorrhea, etc.), skin and soft tissues (face, pyoderma, impetigo, furunculosis, phlegmon, a wound fever, diamond-skin disease, etc.), bones and joints (osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, etc.), small pelvis (endometritis, adnexitis, cervicitis), sepsis, meningitis, Lyme desease (borreliosis), prevention of infectious complications at operations on Thoracic organs, abdominal cavity, pelvis, joints inc. at operations.

Anti-Allergic/Asthma Claritin product

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Claritin prevents development and facilitates the course of allergic reactions. Possesses antiallergic, antipruritic, antiexudative action. Reduces permeability of capillaries, controls oedemata of tissues, removes spasms of smooth muscles. It is prescribed at allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, pollinosis, urticaria fever, angioedema, pruritic dermatosis; pseudo-allergic reactions, caused by release of histamine; allergic reactions at stings of insects.

Women's Health Clomid product

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Clomid - anti-estrogen of nonsteroid structure which is taken for treatment of anovular infertility, dysfunctional metrorrhagia, amenorrhea, secondary amenorrheas, post-contraceptive amenorrheas, galactorrhoea (against the background of hypophysis tumor), syndrome of polycystic ovaries (sclerocystic disease of the ovary), Chiari-Frommel disease, androgenic insufficiency, oligospermatism, diagnosis of disturbances of gonadotropic function of hypophysis.

Pain Relief Elavil product

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Elavil - antidepressive medicine. Renders also some analgesic, H2-histamineblocking and antiserotonin action, promotes elimination of bedwetting and reduces appetite. It is taken at Depressions (especially with anexiety, agitation and sleep disorders, including children's age, endogenous, involutional, reactive, neurotic, medicinal, at organic lesions of a brain, alcoholic abstinence), schizophrenic psychoses, mixed emotional frustration, behavior disorders, night enuresis, nervous bulimia, chronic pain syndrome.

Antibiotics Flagyl product

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Flagyl - antiprotozoan and antimicrobic drug. It is prescribed at treatment of protozoan inspections (abenteric amebiasis, including amoebic abscess of liver, an intestinal amebiasis, trichomoniasis, giardiasis, balanthidiasis, lambliasis, skin leushmaniosis, mecotic vaginitis, mecotic urethritis), pseudomembranous colitis, gastritises, ulcer, prevention of postoperative complications (especially interventions at segmented intestine, perirectal area, appendectomy, gynecologic operations).

Anti-Fungus Fulvicin product

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Fulvicin - the antifungal antibiotic, which is taken at mycosis of skin, hair and nails (favus, trichophytosis, microsporia of a pilar part of the head, microsporia of smooth skin, dermatomycosis of beard and moustaches, epidermophitia of smooth skin, inguinal epidermophitia, onychomycoses). It is effective concerning fungus of the sort Trichophyton, Microsporum, Epydermophyton, Achorionum; causes disturbance of the structure of a mitotic spindle and synthesis of a cell wall at chitin fungus, suppresses division of fungal cells in metaphase and synthesis of protein because of disruption of linking with template-RNA.

General Health Hydrea product

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Hydrea - antineoplastic medicine, antimetabolite, slows down DNA synthesis. It is used for treatment of acute and chronic myelogenous leukemia, osteomyelofibrosis, erythremia, essential thrombocythaemia, thrombocytosis associated with myeloproliferative syndrome, lymphogranulomatosis, melanoma, ovarian cancer, horionepitelioma of uterus, tumor of the head and the neck, tumor of brain, an acute lymphoblastic leukosis at children, a colon cancer, a prostate cancer, cancer of a lung, cancer of a neck of uterus (for increase in efficiency of radiation therapy).

Pain Relief Imuran product

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Thiol derivative, a competitive hypoxanthine antagonist, has an immunosuppressive and cytostatic effect. It is used for prevention of rejection reaction in kidney transplantation, treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, chronic active hepatitis, SLE, dermatomyositis, periarteritis nodosa, acquired hemolytic anemia, gangrenous pyoderma, psoriasis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and myopathy.

General Health Levaquin product

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Levaquin is used to treat infections of the lower respiratory tract, urinary tract, kidneys, skin, soft tissues, chronic bronchitis, acute sinusitis, chronic bacterial prostatitis and tuberculosis. The drug is a fluoroquinolone, a broad-spectrum antimicrobial bactericide. It blocks DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV, disrupts supercoiling and cross-linking of DNA gaps, suppresses DNA synthesis, causes profound morphological changes in the cytoplasm, cell wall and bacterial membranes.

Pain Relief Mestinon product

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Anticholinesterase agent; having a cholinesterase effect through a reversible acetylcholinesterase inhibition and enhancing the action of acetylcholine. Improves neuromuscular transmission, increases the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, increases the tone of urinary bladder, bronchi, the secretion of exocrine glands. Prescribed for myasthenia gravis, postoperative intestinal atony, atonic constipation, bladder atony, post-traumatic movement disorders; flaccid paralysis; residual explication of polio, encephalitis, violation of emptying the bladder after gynecological surgery and childbirth.

Skin Care Minomycin product

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Antibiotic with antitumor activity obtained from the Streptomyces caespitosus fungus. It inhibits DNA synthesis, in high concentrations it inhibits the synthesis of protein and RNA. Has a relatively weak immunosuppressive activity.

The drug therapeutic indications include: esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, cancer of the bile ducts, cancer of the colon and rectum, breast cancer, cervical cancer, endometrial cancer, vulvar cancer, non-small cell lung cancer, mesothelioma, cancer of the renal pelvis and ureter, bladder cancer, prostate cancer, malignant tumors of the head and neck, chronic myelocytic leukemia.

Pain Relief Motrin product

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A blocker of H1-histamine receptors of the first generation, derived from ethanolamine; eliminates the effects of histamine, mediated through this type of receptors. Promotes the local anaesthesia (when intaken, there is a short numbing of the mucous membranes in the mouth) - only in high doses, it blocks m-cholinergic receptors in the central nervous system, has sedative, hypnotic, antiemetic and antiparkinsonian effects. The therapeutic indications include: allergic conjunctivitis, allergic rhinitis, chronic urticaria, pruritic dermatoses, dermatographism, serum sickness.

Anti-Fungus Nizoral product

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The antifungal agent which has activity against dermatophytes, yeasts, dimorphic fungi and eumycetes. It is also active against staphylococci and streptococci. The therapeutical indications of the drug include: mycoses of the gastrointestinal tract, eyes, genital organs, chronic recurrent vaginal candidiasis, dermatomycosis, onychomycosis, Candida, folliculitis, dermatophytosis, systemic fungal infections (blastomycosis, candidiasis, paracoccidioides, coccidioidomycosis, cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis, hromomikoz, sporotrichosis, paronychia, fungal sepsis, fungal pneumonia); leishmaniasis; tinea versicolor, prevention of fungal infections in patients with a high risk of their development. The mechanism of action is inhibition of fungal membrane ergosterol synthesis and the violation of the cell wall permeability.

Women's Health Ponstel product

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A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic action. Prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatoid, gouty arthritis, arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis), pain syndrome (ossalgia, neuralgia, myalgia, arthralgia, sciatica, headache, dental pain, childbirth), for orthopedic surgery, cancer, algodismenorrhea, febrile syndrome.

Women's Health Premarin product

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It facilitates or eliminates the manifestations of a menopausal syndrome (feeling of heat, sweating, dizziness, irritability, depression), prevents the development of osteoporosis, normalizes the menstrual cycle in women of childbearing age, reduces the level of testosterone in men. The medicine regulates the development and preservation of the function of the female reproductive system, the formation of secondary sexual characteristics.It relieves or stops manifestations of irritability, anxiety, depression, and urogenital ( progressive diffuse atrophy of the external genitals) symptoms.

Skin Care Retino-A cream 0.05 product

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The medicine is the best remedy for the acne, improvement or elimination of irregularities, wrinkles, rough skin, spots, hyper skin pigmentation, and photoaging. It slows down the process of melanin production, heals acne, smoothes wrinkles. The cream contains Tretinoin (retinoic acid) 0,05%. It cleanses the pores, eliminates roughness, improves skin texture, promotes early healing of acne. The result becomes clearly visible for six weeks of care.

Anti-Depressant Sinequan product

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Sinequan - antidepressant, which is taken as prescribed by the doctor in case of the following indications: depression, anxiety and sleep disturbance in neuroses, alcoholism, organic diseases of the central nervous system, psychoneurotic disorders with anxiety, depression, psychotic depression (including the involutionary, reactive depressive phase of manic-depressive Psychosis). In general therapeutic practice - duodenal ulcer, dumping syndrome, premenstrual syndrome, chronic pain in cancer patients, skin itching, chronic idiopathic urticaria.

Anti-Allergic/Asthma Singulair product

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Sinequan - antidepressant, which is taken as prescribed by the doctor in case of the following indications: depression, anxiety and sleep disturbance in neuroses, alcoholism, organic diseases of the central nervous system, psychoneurotic disorders with anxiety, depression, psychotic depression (including the involutionary, reactive depressive phase of manic-depressive Psychosis). In general therapeutic practice - duodenal ulcer, dumping syndrome, premenstrual syndrome, chronic pain in cancer patients, skin itching, chronic idiopathic urticaria.

Anti Viral Vermox product

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Vermox - a nthelminthic drug of a wide spectrum of action. The most effective for Enterobius vermicularis, Trichuris trichiura, Ascaris lumbricoides, Ancylostoma duodenale, Necator americanus, Strongyloides stercoralis, Taenia solium, Echinococcus granulosus, Echinococcus multilocularis, Trichinella spiralis, Trichinella nativa, Trichinella nelsoni.

Causing an irreversible violation of glucose utilization, depletes glycogen stores in helminth tissues, interferes with the synthesis of cellular tubulin, and also inhibits the synthesis of ATP.

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Life Brand Vitamin C 500mg



Is Vitamin C Safe For Kids

Is Vitamin C Safe For Kids

Can I Give Emergen-C to My Child?

Mar 28, 2020 | Health Tips

Can I give Emergen-C to my child?

Many adults reach for Emergen-C at the first sign of a cold. While that's fine for adults, when you see cold symptoms coming on for a child, you shouldn't give your child under 15 an adult Emergen-C or a similar supplement. Instead, there is a kid Emergen-C that is specially formulated for kids and is safe to give to your child.

Emergen-C is a high dose of Vitamins C, B-6 and B-12 that's formulated for adults. Each dosage contains 1,000 mg of Vitamin C (about 16 times the USDA recommended daily value). While this is well within safe dosage for an adult, the upper intake level for children is considerably less: Children aged 1- to 3-years old should only consume 400 mg Vitamin C and those 4- to 8-years-old should consume no more than 650 mg.

Adult doses of Vitamin C won't have severe adverse affects, but they can cause upset stomach in children. In both children and adults, absorption of Vitamin C is best at low dosages: You (and your child) can absorb up to 90 percent of a moderate dosage, while up to 50 percent of a dose higher than 1,000 mg is not absorbed.

Although wasteful, unabsorbed Vitamin C is typically not dangerous. Although excessive levels of the vitamin, which is acidic, can cause upset stomach, unused Vitamin C is passed in urine.

Instead of giving your child Emergen-C or a similar supplement, seek to provide enough Vitamin C though a balanced diet. Citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruit, bell peppers, strawberries and cantaloupe are all rich in Vitamin C. If you're concerned your child isn't receiving enough Vitamin C in her diet, supplement it with a kids' vitamin that contains is.

And the idea of beating back a cold with big doses of Vitamin C? It's mostly a myth. Treating the common cold with Vitamin C reduces the length of a cold about 14 percent in children and 8 percent in adults.

Is Vitamin C Safe For Kids



How Much Vitamin C For 12 Year Old

How Much Vitamin C For 12 Year Old

Photo Courtesy: Flashpop/DigitalVision//Getty Images

Whether in the form of a fizzy drink or flavored lozenges, cold and flu preventative supplements almost always highlight vitamin C as one of their key ingredients. So, what's so magical about vitamin C? Also known as ascorbic acid, vitamin C is critical to living healthily. Since the human body cannot spontaneously generate this nutrient, vitamin C must instead be absorbed from outside sources, such as vitamin supplements or foods that are naturally rich in it.

Commonly found in cold and flu preventative supplements, vitamin C strengthens and speeds up immune system functionality. Though research does not indicate that vitamin C intake alone can prevent the onset of cold or flu, adequate daily intake may shorten the duration of an infection or lessen the severity of symptoms.

Photo Courtesy: Catherine Falls Commercial/Moment/Getty Images

Vitamin C is crucial for the maintenance of well being. For example, it plays a role in wound healing and helps maintain many essential body tissues. It also acts as a potent antioxidant and can repair damage from free radicals, which are linked to aging effects, and disease vulnerability. Additionally, vitamin C can also prevent anemia, since it helps the body increase absorption of dietary iron, another vital mineral that the body cannot spontaneously create.

Foods that contain high concentrations of vitamin C have been linked with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, like heart attack and stroke. Vitamin C can also increase levels of nitric oxide, a compound that widens blood vessels and, in turn, lowers blood pressure. In addition, regular intake of vitamin C, along with other vitamins, has been linked to a decreased risk for developing age-related cataracts, a leading cause of visual impairment in the United States.

Common Sources of Vitamin C

Vitamin C can be easily obtained through the many different foods, including:

Photo Courtesy: Akaradech Pramoonsin/Moment/Getty Images
  • Citrus fruits and juices (orange, grapefruit, lemon, lime and tangerine)
  • Berries
  • Melons
  • Mangoes
  • Kiwi
  • Tomato
  • Broccoli
  • Red peppers
  • Spinach
  • Squash
  • Potatoes

Cooking these foods may result in the loss of some of the vitamin content, so it is ideal to ingest them raw, either whole or juiced. Nowadays, there are also numerous packaged food products, like cereals, that have been enriched and fortified with vitamin C, so that the nutrient can be easily obtained.

Vitamin C may also be labeled as "L-ascorbic acid" in supplement form, and most over-the-counter multivitamins contain the recommended daily amount of the vitamin. While it is a good source when an individual is in need of a vitamin C boost, supplements are not meant to replace a diet rich in naturally derived vitamin C.

What Happens When You Have Too Much — or Too Little — Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that can be easily flushed out of the body via urination when it is not needed. Therefore, if the main source of vitamin C is from naturally occurring foods, it is near-impossible for excess vitamin C to produce side effects. However, taking excessive concentrated vitamin C supplements may lead to diarrhea or stomach upset.

Photo Courtesy: Violeta Stoimenova/E+/Getty Images

Since vitamin C-rich foods are so readily available nowadays, symptoms of inadequate vitamin C intake are also rare in the United States. However, malnourished individuals can experience symptoms of vitamin C deficiency over time, including:

  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Anemia
  • Easy bruising
  • Joint pain
  • Skin breakdown
  • Weakened tooth enamel
  • Gum inflammation

Severe vitamin C deficiency is referred to as scurvy. Scurvy can be easily treated with increased dietary or supplemental vitamin C. Since vitamin C is crucial in the detoxification of the body, a lack of vitamin C can compromise the immune system and make an individual more susceptible to diseases and infections. Individuals with insufficient vitamin C may find that it takes longer than usual to recover from a cold or a physical wound.

Daily Dosage Recommendations:

The daily dosage recommendation for vitamin C is different for everyone, depending on factors such as gender, age, lifestyle and current health condition. The recommended daily dosage for vitamin C is at least 75 mg daily for women and 90 mg for men. Since people who are pregnant, breast feeding, smoking or using oral contraceptives have a lower blood level of vitamin C than others, larger doses of vitamin C may be needed to achieve optimal results in these individuals. Those who have prior or current medical conditions may also require bigger or smaller dosage levels, as recommended by their healthcare providers.

Resource Links:

  • "Vitamin C" via MedlinePlus
  • "Vitamin C and Infections" via MDPI
  • "Extra Dose of Vitamin C Based on a Daily Supplementation Shortens the Common Cold: A Meta-Analysis of 9 Randomized Controlled Trials" via Hindawi, BioMed Research International
  • "Vitamin C" via National Institutes of Health
  • "Scurvy" via U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, National Institutes of Health
  • "Dietary intake and blood concentrations of antioxidants and the risk of cardiovascular disease, total cancer, and all-cause mortality: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of prospective studies" via The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
  • "Dietary vitamin and carotenoid intake and risk of age-related cataract" via The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
  • "Cardiovascular System" via Department of Anatomy, Seoul National University College of Medicine (via Springer)


How Much Vitamin C For 12 Year Old



Heres B2uty Vitamin C

Heres B2uty Vitamin C

HERES B2UTY Vitamin C Serum, For Face

₹ 900/ Piece Get Latest Price

Brand heres beauty
Usage/Application Face
Minimum Order Quantity 1 Piece

HERES B2UTY Vitamin C Facial Serum is a multi-function serum that brightens, even out, and lightens skin. It is

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Fox Overseas Impex

New Delhi



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Brand heres beauty
Usage/Application Face
Minimum Order Quantity 1 Piece

Product Description

HERES B2UTY Vitamin C Facial Serum is a multi-function serum that brightens, even out, and lightens skin. It is formulated with 20% Vitamin C which serves as an antioxidant to remove dark spots, boost collagen synthesis, and shields skin from the impact of pollution and the sun. After skin cleaning and toning in the morning and evening, extend 3-4 drops of it onto the face, gently massage skin with the middle and ring fingers till thoroughly absorbed, then take follow-up treatment. Or use it as foundation before facial mask to reinforce the effect. Or use it mix with BB cream, to make BB cream easy to spread and looks more natural.

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HERES B2UTY Vitamin C Serum, For Face

HERES B2UTY Vitamin C Serum, For Face

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Established in the year 2019 at New Delhi, Delhi, We "Fox Overseas Impex" are a Sole Proprietorship firm, engaged as the foremost Retailer, Exporter and Importer of V380 Wifi Camera, Pulse Oximeter, etc. Our products are high in demand due to their premium quality and affordable prices. Furthermore, we ensure to timely deliver these products to our clients, through this we have gained a huge clients base in the market. Our exporting and importing country is China and Importing percentage is 80%.

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Heres B2uty Vitamin C



Fresh Pressed 7 Day System With Pure Vitamin C Review

Fresh Pressed 7 Day System With Pure Vitamin C Review

Some of you may know about my current "obsession" with Vitamin C serums ever since I finished my favourite Vitamin C serum. It was eye-wateringly expensive, but it worked so well for me. I've been toying with the idea of repurchasing, but at the same time, wanted to try something new.

So, when I stumbled across the Clinique Fresh Pressed Daily Booster with Pure Vitamin C 10% I did a double take. I hounded Clinique before its availability here in Malaysia because I was so bloody curious. You would be too, if I tell you that it comes in 1 week vials. Say what?

clinique fresh pressed daily booster with vitamin c

The thing is, Clinique came out with 2 different packaging for this, and I understood why the moment I saw the price. Oh yes, the full set was pretty eye-watering.

The Clinique Fresh Pressed Daily Booster with Vitamin C 10% (let me just call it the Fresh Pressed Daily Booster) comes in a pack of 4, for use over 4 weeks. It also comes as a 1 week option, with 7 days worth of the complementary Fresh Pressed Renewing Powder Cleanser.

I was all ready to spring for the full 1 month version, but to be honest, couldn't justify the price. Locally it retails at RM315 for the full size option (yes, I had to pick my jaw off the floor as well. It's not a price I'm used to seeing at Clinique) so, although I was sceptical, I dug deep and sprung for theFresh Pressed 7 Day System, to see what I could discern from it.

First off, let me just make it clear that it's really hard to see significant results in just 7 days, unless the product is really potent, or you really have a problem that needs solving. The Fresh Pressed Daily Booster only contains 10% Vitamin C. High, but not as high as my other serum that had 20%. So, if I'm to be honest, I didn't expect much of a result.

clinique fresh pressed daily booster with vitamin c

You know what? It turns out I was right. This did nothing for me, in that I saw no results after the 1 week I was supposed to be using it. Nothing significant anyway.

But I have to explain a little about it, to explain why I think it fairly nifty.

Clinique Fresh PRessed Daily Booster Vitamin C is pretty nifty!

The Fresh Pressed Daily Booster comes in a vial that you see above. Each vial comes sealed with the foil as you see at the top. When you tear off the foil, you reveal an orange dome.

The logic behind this packaging and delivery system is because Vitamin C is quite a volatile ingredient that oxidises easily on contact with the air, and that can render it ineffective.

So, what Clinique has done, is to package it, so you only mix the active ingredients when you need it – hence the "fresh pressed" concept. Like freshly pressed juice.

clinique fresh pressed daily booster with vitamin c

When you press it down the first time, you can feel something "break" and give. Apparently, this is the vitamin C powder mixing with the serum. We can't see it, so I wasn't sure if it worked or if everything was mixed up. I pressed it a few times just for good measure 😛

After that, each time you use it, you must shake it up beforehand for the recommended 15 seconds. It's a hell of a long time when you're counting!. Be sure to keep the cap on, or you will shake the serum everywhere and create a mess. Then, remove the cap, and depress 2 pumps into your moisturiser.

How to use the Clinique Fresh Pressed Daily Booster with Vitamin C

Using it is simple.

First, remove foil, and depress the plastic dome to mix the active ingredients and shake it up. Remember to keep the cap on.

Each time, before using, leave the cap on, and shake a few times for 15 seconds to mix up the contents properly, before dispensing.

Then, remove cap, and depress the plastic dome to dispense 2 pumps into your moisturiser, or apply it directly onto your skin.

Can you apply it directly on skin?

Because this is a booster serum, you do not use it directly on skin, but you are supposed to mix it with your moisturiser of choice. The texture of the serum is a little like an emulsion, and has a very slight metallic smell. Nothing too bothersome. I will warn you however, that it will thin out your moisturiser or make it feel richer, so it depends really, on how you feel about it.

I was tempted to use it on its own directly on skin, but I wasn't sure I should do that so I abstained from being a mad scientist lest I cause myself more harm than good.

Note: I realized that using the Clinique Fresh Pressed Daily Booster with Vitamin C directly on skin yields better, more visible results for me. For this reason, if you are a seasoned Vitamin C serum user, then I suggest that you can use it directly on your skin, followed by other serums or moisturiser. However, if you have very sensitive skin or are new to using Vitamin C serum, then use it the recommended way i.e. mixing with your moisturiser.

RELATED READING: Read how it fares for me when used together with the Clinique Fresh Pressed Clinical Overnight Booster with pure Vitamin A (Retinol) READ HERE

My experience with the Clinique Fresh Pressed Daily Booster with Vitamin C

But as I said above I didn't see significant, if any results from using this serum. I don't know if it's because it's not used directly on my skin, or if it's because I'm used to a higher concentration of Vitamin C, or if it's because 7 days is just too short to tell.

My skin didn't look any clearer or brighter, sad to say. It's actually quite a poor representation of a product for me, because I'm now not interested in trying the full 1 month regimen. A case when the sample puts me off.

The other interesting thing I noted is that while the vial is supposed to last you 1 week, I found that it actually lasts longer than that. I used it twice a day for the first week but because there's still product in there, and I didn't want to waste my money, I've been using up the balance and thus far, it's still going strong 2 weeks on, although I only use it once a day now. The directions call for you to discard it after 7 days, but seriously, why would I want to throw my money away? 😛

So all in all, just based on this Fresh Pressed 7 Day System, I'll say that I'm not sold on this Fresh Pressed Daily Booster serum.

It's too fiddly, it works out bloody expensive, and I don't know why they bothered selling a 7 day system because for me, it did nothing. That said, maybe if you've never used a vitamin c serum, you may notice some results – significantly, brighter more even toned skin. For me, I'm moving on.


The Clinique Fresh Pressed Daily Booster with Vitamin C 10% is a vitamin C booster serum that you mix with your moisturiser. The product comes in a vial that you mix up before you start using, and it's only supposed to last you 1 week and then to be discarded. I find that the product is actually sufficient for up to 2 weeks at least, and it isn't unpleasant. But it is fiddly, as you have to shake up the bottle before each use, and you must be careful as it can get messy if you don't keep the cap on. I personally did not notice a significant result after 7 days of use, and not even 14 days later. I also find the concept, while ingenious, expensive in the long run and eventually unsustainable. I'm not sure where Clinique is going with this. I think the idea of a Vitamin C serum is a good one, but there are easier ways of working with it I'm sure.

PROS: The 7 Day System allows you to try it before committing to the full 4 bottle 4 week regimen, Product is kept fresh until you want to use it which could make it more effective

CONS: Expensive in the long run as each vial lasts only 1 week, Fiddly mechanism, Can be hard to depress, It didn't show results for my skin

WHO WILL LIKE THIS: Perhaps someone who hasn't used a Vitamin C serum before, Anyone who is particular about their products being "fresh"

PRICE: RM135 | US$27 for the Fresh Pressed 7 Day System / RM315 | US$76.50 for the 4 week system

WHERE TO BUY: Sephora Malaysia exclusive, Sephora online

If you're interested, here is the ingredient list

clinique fresh pressed daily booster ingredient list

You may be wondering if I tried the Fresh Pressed Renewing Powder Cleanser. No I did not, because I wanted to test only the Daily Booster on its own. I'll update if I try the cleanser. But honestly, I'm not sold on fiddly systems like this, preferring to use a regular cleanser. Just me. No comment on the product efficacy.

Did you try the Clinique Fresh Pressed Daily Booster? Did it work for you?

I'd be interested to know if it worked for you, because it did zilch for me. Considering the directions to discard the product after 1 week, I feel it's just too expensive to warrant a purchase. Perhaps if it works, that's fine. But then I could just drop a similarly eye-watering amount of money on a product that I know works, and that easily lasts me 2 months use and is fine to its very last drop. That's probably what I'll do 😛

Paris B

Fresh Pressed 7 Day System With Pure Vitamin C Review



Efek Samping Vitamin C

Efek Samping Vitamin C

5 Bahaya dari Kelebihan Vitamin C

Vitamin C termasuk jenis vitamin yang penting untuk menjaga sistem kekebalan tubuh. Vitamin ini juga berperan dalam meningkatkan fungsi otak. Meski menawarkan segudang khasiat, kelebihan vitamin C ternyata memicu sejumlah efek samping.

Bahaya kelebihan vitamin C

kelebihan vitamin C

Konsumsi sebuah jeruk atau segelas jus stroberi mungkin cukup memenuhi kebutuhan vitamin C per hari bagi banyak orang. Setelah itu, dosis vitamin C yang berlebihan akan terbuang dengan mudah bersama dengan urine.

Hal tersebut dikarenakan v itamin C termasuk jenis vitamin yang larut dalam cairan. Meski begitu, Kementerian Kesehatan RI menyarankan orang dewasa mendapatkan vitamin C sebanyak 65 – 90 miligram dan maksimal 2.000 miligram per hari.

Bila lebih dari angka tersebut, Anda mungkin berisiko terhadap berbagai masalah kesehatan. Di bawah ini sejumlah bahaya dari kelebihan vitamin C yang perlu diwaspadai.

1. Ketidakseimbangan nutrisi

Salah satu dampak yang terjadi akibat tubuh kelebihan vitamin C yakni nutrisi yang tidak seimbang.

Begini, terlalu banyak vitamin C bisa mengganggu fungsi tubuh untuk mengolah nutrisi lainnya.

Sebagai contoh, vitamin C dapat menurunkan kadar vitamin B12 dan tembaga dalam tubuh. Hal ini tentu bisa memicu masalah baru terhadap kesehatan, seperti kekurangan vitamin B12.

2. Masalah pencernaan

Bahaya lain dari kelebihan vitamin C yakni menimbulkan gangguan pada sistem pencernaan. Namun, efek samping ini tidak terjadi akibat konsumsi makanan yang mengandung vitamin C, melainkan akibat vitamin C bentuk suplemen.

Ada pun beberapa gejala penyakit pencernaan yang disebabkan oleh suplemen vitamin C meliputi:

  • diare,
  • mual atau muntah,
  • heartburn, serta
  • nyeri perut.

Bila tidak segera ditangani, kondisi ini bisa menyebabkan dehidrasi, merasa lemas, hingga menurunkan tekanan darah dan ketidakseimbangan mineral dalam tubuh.

3. Kelebihan zat besi

K ondisi kelebihan vitamin C bisa membuat tubuh mengalami kelebihan zat besi atau biasa disebut dengan hemokromatosis.

Hal ini dikarenakan vitamin C berperan dalam penyerapan mineral zat besi. Sedangkan, vitamin C yang terlalu banyak tentu bisa membuat tubuh menyerap zat besi lebih banyak pula hingga melebihi batasnya.

Bila hal ini terjadi pada pasien hemokromatosis, kelebihan zat besi akibat konsumsi vitamin C dapat memperparah kerusakan jaringan tubuh.

4. Membentuk batu ginjal

Beberapa ahli percaya bahwa terlalu banyak mengonsumsi suplemen vitamin C dapat menyebabkan tubuh mengeluarkan oksalat dan asam urat dalam urine. Kedua senyawa ini dapat memicu pembentukan batu ginjal.

Menurut ulasan dari The New England journal of medicine , senyawa oksalat biasanya keluar dari tubuh melalui urine.

Pada kondisi tertentu, senyawa ini dapat mengikat mineral dan membentuk kristal yang dapat menyebabkan pembentukan batu ginjal.

5. Meningkatkan risiko kanker

Pada beberapa kasus, vitamin C dapat bertindak sebagai pro-oksidan meski mengandung senyawa antioksidan.

Pro-oksidan berpotensi terhadap kerusakan oksidatif. Dilansir dari National Institute of Health, sejumlah penelitian in-vitro melaporkan bahwa kondisi ini dapat menyebabkan kerusakan kromosom atau DNA.

Kabar buruknya, masalah yang disebabkan kelebihan asupan suplemen vitamin C ini sangat mungkin berkontribusi terhadap penyakit kanker. Meski begitu, para ahli masih membutuhkan penelitian lebih lanjut guna memastikan hal ini.

Berapa banyak asupan yang dinyatakan kelebihan vitamin C?

Vitamin C merupakan vitamin yang larut dalam air dan tubuh akan mengeluarkan kelebihannya beberapa jam setelah Anda mengonsumsinya.

Itu sebabnya, kelebihan vitamin C termasuk masalah yang cukup langka karena hampir tidak mungkin tubuh mendapatkan terlalu banyak vitamin C dari makanan saja.

Pada orang sehat, setiap tambahan vitamin C yang dikonsumsi melebihi batas harian yang direkomendasikan akan dikeluarkan dari tubuh.

Asupan vitamin C mungkin dapat terjadi bila Anda mengonsumsi sekitar 29 jeruk atau 13 paprika sebelum asupannya mencapai batas yang bisa ditoleransi.

Meski begitu, risiko overdosis vitamin C lebih tinggi pada orang yang mengonsumsi vitamin dan mungkin terlalu banyak menggunakannya pada kondisi tertentu.

Itu sebabnya, Anda perlu berkonsultasi dengan dokter atau ahli gizi guna mengetahui berapa banyak asupan vitamin C yang perlu dipenuhi sesuai dengan kondisi tubuh.

Hello Health Group tidak menyediakan saran medis, diagnosis, atau perawatan.

Efek Samping Vitamin C



Does Vitamin C Help Dark Circles Under Eyes

Does Vitamin C Help Dark Circles Under Eyes

Photo Courtesy: The Good Brigade/DigitalVision/Getty Images

Hepatitis is a condition that causes inflammation of your liver. Currently, there are an estimated 6 million people living with hepatitis in the United States, and more than 50,000 people are diagnosed with this disease every year. There are three primary types of hepatitis, and while their symptoms can be similar, they vary largely in the ways they're transmitted. Learning more about each type of hepatitis can help you better understand the condition as a whole.

Hepatitis A is the most easily transmitted of the three viruses. It affects approximately 2,500 people every year in the United States. It typically spreads through feces-contaminated food or water and is found in the feces of people who have the virus. Hepatitis A causes a short-term, acute sickness that most people heal from without treatment. However, it can cause serious illness in some people. This virus is more common in places with underdeveloped sanitation systems.

While doctors can't treat hepatitis A with medication, people who get this virus can manage its symptoms with fluids, rest and good nutrition. There's also a safe and effective vaccine available to protect you against hepatitis A.

What Is Hepatitis B?

Hepatitis B can occur both acutely (meaning it develops quickly and lasts a short time) and chronically (meaning it develops slowly over time and worsens over months or years). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, up to 2 million people in the United States are chronically affected with hepatitis B. Hepatitis B can be transmitted through sexual activity and exposure to infected blood. It can also be passed from a parent to their newborn child during birth.

Hepatitis B usually causes short-term discomfort that many people recover from completely after about four to eight weeks. However, it can turn into a chronic condition that lasts for years; this is more likely in older adults. Doctors can treat severe chronic hepatitis B with antiviral medications. However, in most cases, treatments focus on proper hydration and nutrition. There's a safe vaccine available to protect you against hepatitis B, too.

What Is Hepatitis C?

Photo Courtesy: BSIP/Getty Images

Approximately 4 million people in the United States are affected with hepatitis C. This form of hepatitis causes a chronic illness in over 50% of people who get this type of the virus. It's the least transmissible of the three viruses and can spread through contact with infected blood.

Hepatitis C occurs more commonly in people who engage in intravenous drug use. If you received a blood transfusion before 1992, you should also get tested for hepatitis C if you haven't previously. Hepatitis C can spread through unprotected sexual intercourse, but this is a less common way to transmit it. While there's no vaccine for chronic hepatitis C, treatments that are available today offer a 95% cure rate.

Chronic hepatitis C can significantly affect how your liver works. It can cause cirrhosis, which means that your normal liver tissue is replaced with scar tissue. It can also cause liver cancer. However, there are medications that can help keep this disease in check. Making lifestyle changes, such as reducing or eliminating alcohol from your diet, can also decrease your chances of experiencing complications. In severe cases, hepatitis C may require a liver transplant.

The varying forms of viral hepatitis affect millions of people in the United States. Chronic hepatitis often has few symptoms in its early stages, so recognizing the associated dangers and getting tested if you've been exposed may save your life. Although there are five types of viral hepatitis, only A, B and C are the forms commonly found in the United States.

Resource Links:

"Hepatitis A, B, and C: Learn the Differences," Immunization Action Coalition

"What's the Difference Between Hepatitis A, B and C?," UNC Health Talk

"The ABCs of Hepatitis," Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

"What's the Difference: Hepatitis B vs Hepatitis C?," Hepatitis B Foundation


Does Vitamin C Help Dark Circles Under Eyes



Desert Harvest Vitamin C

Desert Harvest Vitamin C

Desert Harvest Buffered Vitamin C (90 Capsules)

Desert Harvest Buffered Vitamin C (90 Capsules)

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant.  It supports immune function, collagen production, blood vessel integrity and free radical neutralisation, meaning it may help to delay the effects of aging and protect against certain cancers, heart disease and strokes.  Research indicates that people with low levels of vitamin C may run a higher risk of developing Type II diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, or multiple sclerosis, while even short-term deficiency may adversely impact eye health, paving the way for cataracts or macular degeneration.  New research also suggests that vitamin C might work to reduce the production of inflammatory compounds in the gut, meaning it may help reduce the levels of inflammation in various forms of colitis.  Additionally, vitamin C facilitates the body's ability to absorb iron from foods and food supplements – iron is of course a vital component of haemoglobin, which enables oxygen to be transported around the body.

Regarding vitamin C's effect on the common cold, studies have resulted in mixed recommendations. A randomized, controlled, five-year clinical trial suggested that vitamin C supplementation significantly reduces the frequency of colds, but has no apparent effect on the duration or severity.  However, a 2002 study involving 180 British subjects found that vitamin C could prevent the common cold, limit severe symptoms, and shorten its duration.  You will have to decide for yourself if it works for you!

Many people are unable to tolerate ordinary vitamin C supplements, as they find them irritating to the stomach or the urinary tract.  In particular, cystitis sufferers often find their symptoms worsen if they take any supplements containing ascorbic acid.  Desert Harvest's Buffered Vitamin C contains calcium ascorbate – a gentle, non-acidic form of vitamin C – meaning it is safe for cystitis sufferers and sensitive individuals.  It also contains organic, super-concentrated aloe vera, which may help the body to absorb more of the nutrient.

Free from gluten, starch, preservatives and GMO ingredients.  Kosher certified; suitable for vegetarians and vegans.  ISO 9000 compliant.  Suitable for interstitial cystitis patients.


As a dietary supplement, take one capsule twice a day or as directed by a qualified healthcare provider.


Each serving (1 capsule) contains 400mg of Vitamin C buffered with 40mg of calcium ascorbate; 75mg of organic aloe vera powder; 3mg of silicon dioxide (a naturally occurring earth mineral); and 3mg vegetable oil.

Tiny says: I don't use these as my every day vitamin C, as I was settled on another type long before I ever discovered Desert Harvest.  Like this product, the one I use daily contains vitamin C in a non-acidic form.  I didn't actually know when I made the move to ascorbates that other people had problems with ascorbic acid – I just noticed that I felt more 'cystitis-y' whenever I took normal vitamin C or multivitamins high in C.  I was fascinated years later to learn that lots of people find vitamin C irritating to the bladder!  I do use Desert Harvest Buffered Vitamin C to top up my every day brand if I feel like I'm getting a cold and want to mega-dose.  I have no problems with it whatsoever, even in very high doses, and I'd never be without a pot on standby!

Product tabs

    Desert Harvest Vitamin C

